Galilee Biotech Ltd.

Statement on Prohibition of Workplace Unlawful Abuse


In order to protect all employees from suffering physical or mental injury caused by workplace unlawful abuse, our company hereby formally declares that we will not tolerate any form of workplace bullying by our managements. Workplace violence perpetrated by employees, customers, clients, care recipients, or strangers against our employees are also confronted with zero tolerance.

  1. Definitions and Types of Workplace Unlawful Abuse: Workplace unlawful abuse refers to incidents in which employees are subjected to abuse, threats, or attacks in work-related environments (including during commuting), which explicitly or implicitly challenge their safety, well-being, or health.


  1. Forms of Workplace Unlawful Abuse :
    • Physical violence: such as beating, scratching, punching, kicking, etc.
    • Psychological violence: such as threats, bullying, harassment, insults, etc.
    • Verbal violence: such as bullying, intimidation, interference, discrimination, etc.
    • Sexual harassment: such as inappropriate sexual suggestive behaviors, etc.
    • Act of stalking and harassment.


  1. Countermeasures for Employees Facing Workplace Unlawful Abuse:
    • Seek advice and support from colleagues.
    • Communicate rationally with the perpetrator and express your feelings clearly.
    • Self-reflection, consider if there are any faults on your part and request honest feedback from colleagues regarding your character and job performance to identify any issues.
    • Document the perpetrator’s behavior use recordings or any other means to collect evidence.
    • File a complaint with the company.


  1. All employees are responsible to ensure a work environment free from workplace unlawful abuse. Anyone who witnesses or hears about an incident of workplace unlawful abuse should immediately notify HR department or contact the complaint hotline.

    Upon receiving a complaint, the company will conduct a confidential investigation. If the investigation confirms the incident, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. The company strictly prohibits any retaliation against complainants, reporters, or those assisting in the investigation. Any retaliatory behavior will result in disciplinary action.


  1. Our company will not impose any adverse actions against employees who, upon discovering a potential threat to their physical health or life while performing their duties, cease operations or retreat to a safe location.


  1. Our company encourages all employees to utilize the internal grievance handling mechanisms established for resolving such disputes. However, should employees require additional assistance, the company will endeavor to provide the necessary support.


  1. For workplace unlawful abuse consultation and grievance reporting, please use the following:
    • Complaint hotline: extension #221.
    • Complaint email: